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Doenças mais comuns nos Peixes (A EDITAR)

Doenças Comuns dos Peixes de Água Doce

Um dos problemas que muitos aquáriofilistas enfrentam relaciona-se com o identificar os problemas relacionados com o aquário. Infelizmente, a falta de experiência, ou os sinais subtis de stress podem permitir que uma doença aparece de rompante e mate os peixes. Aqui apresenta-se um guia simples de diagnóstico de doenças de peixes tropicais. Isto não significa que esteja completa ou que garanta 100% eficácia, mas ajudará com certez a seguir um caminho mais indicado no tratamento do problema. Pergunte sempre ao logista local onde costuma ir que medicamento deve comprar para a doença específica que quer tratar.     

Os peixes podem abrir a boca freneticamente ou ficar no fundo. Água Ácida Ácido do desperdicio dos peixes ou restos de comida. A água ácida pode irritar as suas escamas e guelras. skin. 
Linha de água branca. Causa a morte das plantas, rasga as barbatanas dos peixes. A água demasiada alcalina destroi os seus tecidos. A Amónia torna-se ainda mais tóxica. Água Alcalina Colocar conchas ou limestone, ou tornar a água mais dura.
Os peixes morrem; a água parece nublosa. Amónia na Água Resultado dos desperdícios.
Verme filiforme pendurado no peixe. Verme Âncora Um crustácio parasita (Lernaea).
Bolha de um quarto de polegada como nódulos,  movendo-se lentamente na pele e nadadeiras. Argulus Um crustácio parasita.
Os peixes flutuam com as barbatanas fechadas.  Betta Pinch Fin Parasitas Gill.
Pequenas manchas pretas nas escamas. Manchas Pretas Pequenos vermes(Diplostomulum).
Listas vermelhas nas barbatanas, especialmente nos goldfish. Parasitas ou Infecção Bacteriana Parasita Gyrodactylus (trematodes monogenéticos*), possivelmente septicemia bacterial
Morte dos peixes em 24h. As guelras ficam castanhas.  Cloramida na água Adição pela companhia das águas de cloramida como substituto do cloro.
Os peixes vão ao fundo e as guelras movem-se furiosamente.  Excesso de cloro na água da rede Cloro adicionado para matar bactérias na água da rede.
As barbatanas junto ao corpo. Barbatanas presas Parasitas.
Water not crystal clear in established tank. Cloudy Water Wastes, small animal and plant life. Possibly over feeding.
Small particles suspended in water causing a cloudy look. Cloudy Water in New Tank Floating silts from gravel especially newly set up tanks.
White cotton sprouting from fins or body. Fungus, possibly Bacteria A bacteria, Flexobacter (Chondrococcus) or Fungus
Fish act very uncomfortable. Contaminated Tank water Chlorine, chloramine, copper or manufacturing oils in the water.
Grey film on all or part of body. External Parasite External protozoan parasite (costia necatrix).
Gills hang partly open at all times External Parasites (Dactylogyrus) Small gill parasites (monogenetic trematodes).
Fish darts about wildly and may smash into glass. Discus Head Worms Parasitic protozoa in sinus canals of head.
Fish bloated with scales standing out. Fish resembles a pine cone. Dropsy Kidney or Liver Damage (possibly both)
White film on eyes. Eye Cloud Eye injury. From handling or breeder fighting, possibly bacterial Infection
Fins ragged with jelly at edge of ragged part. Fin Fungus  This is not a disease exactly, but can be cured by improving water quality
Fins eaten away with redness at base of bad area. Fin Rot Sprolegnia fungus with Pseudomonas or Aeromonas bacteria.
Fish swim aimlessly. May have spasms. Bacterial Infection Internal Flavo Bacteria infection
Small lumps under skin or on fins. Flesh Worms Parasitic worms.
A light grey cottony growth or patch on any part of the fish. Fungus (grey) A parasitic fungus, Saprolegnia.
A white cottony growth or patch on any part of the fish. Fungus (white) A bacteria, Flexobacter (Chondrococcus) Columnaris.
Open sores on Gouramis or other anabantids. Bacterial Infection (Furunculosis) Aeromonas salmonicida bacteria.
Gills hang partly open and may pump fast. Gills may pump fast. Gills may appear red. Gill Flukes Small gill parasites (Gyrodactylus) monogenetic trematodes.
Fish rocks back and forth while staying in place. Gourami Disease Dactylogyrus parasites (monogenetic trematodes*).
Skin looks grey in patches. External Parasite Costia necatrix parasites.
Fish scrape on objects in tank. External Parasite Gyrodactylus parasites (monogenetic trematodes*).
Red steaks on fins usually near body with no sign of skin damage. Hemorrhagic Septicemia A bacteria, Aeromonas (liquefaciens) hydrophylia.
Tiny tree-like animals attatched to objects in tank. Hydra Carivorous microanimal
White sugar-like crystals on fins or body of fish, fish scrape against objects in tank External Parasite (ICK aka ICH, possibly others)) Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, a parasitic protozoan.
Fish are thin and act listless Internal Parasites or Internal Bacterial Infection Tiny internal parasites or Bacterial Infection (wasting diesease)
Fish may go to top or bottom or dash about when first introduced to the tank. Tank water is vastly different from original source water Change in water from which fish are first acclimated.
Stains on glass or ornaments. Iron In Water Supply Dissolved iron in water supply.
Insoluble white deposit or water line. Lime Deposits on Glass Caused by lime, a mineral found in water supplies or from salt buildup.
Fish stay in one place buy wiggle, wag, or shimmy. Livebearer Disease or Molly Disease Water lacks electrolytes needed for normal metabolism.
White cotton sprouting from mouth sides. Mouth Fungus A bacteria, Flexobacter (Chondrococcus).
Flesh eaten away around mouth. Mouth Rot Saprolegnia fungus with Pseudomonas or Aeromonas bacteria.
Color fades from red line. Line may turn yellow. Neon and Cardinal Disease A parasitic protozoan, Plistophora hyphessobryconis.
Fish dart about. Gills pump furiously after a water change. Dissolved gasses or metals in the water. Dissolved gasses or metals in the water.
Body skin of fish appears dusty in yellowish or grey patches. Oodinium (also called VELVET or RUST) A parasitic algae, Oodinium limneticum.
New Fish act stunned or gasp at top of water after releasing them from bag. Oxygen Deprivation, CO2 Poisoning, Ammonia Poisoning Ammonia and carbon dioxide suffocating fish in container.
White water lines. Plants die, fish have frayed fins. pH Bounces Back Up after Being Lowered Hard water supply. Seashells or limestone in tank.
Eyes stand out from sockets. Pop Eye Infection from fighting, possibly a bacterial infection causing fluid to accumulate behind the eyes
Flesh decays at the mouth or tail. Rot, Fungus Saprolegnia fungus with Pseudomonas or Aeromonas bacteria.
Frayed looking fins and moldy looking slime on body. Saprolegnia Fungus A true fungus called Saprolegnia invades the gills causing suffocation.
Small fish, especially neons, angels and guppies die without visible symptoms. Saprolegnia Fungus A true fungus called Saprolegnia invades the gills causing suffocation.
Fish swimming with head down (not level). Swim Bladder Disease Bladder infection.
Fish thin and weak. Parasites or Bacteria internal or external parasites. See GYRODACTYLUS. Possibly "wasting Disease" a bacterial infection
Water may be cloudy or have an odor. Too Many Dissolved organic Compounds Decaying food or plants.


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(by Aquahobbie)

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